Film and I were exclusive until October 2008 when NESOP made me date other formats. I borrowed a Hasselblad from school over spring break. Here are a few shots from my first time with medium format. Please forgive me, Digital.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Nicole & Max, North Shore
Friday, April 16, 2010
Just a little yard work. (Practicing my master/slave flash technique for the first time in a year.) My not-editorial teacher called it "editorial." I don't like labels.
Some shots from a second-shooting wedding gig in Medford. (Not allowed to use Bride or Groom's faces online so settled for back-of-bride and man-in-incredible light.)
More "for fun" photos from Papa Hank's factory and a few from Aunt & Uncle's house.
A little architecture photography work (or is it "editorial"?) for fun, i.e., not for school. My Papa Hank's company in PA. Call me sentimental but it was a treat to get a personal tour from my uncle of this bit of family history.